A Caregiver’s Dilemma: D.I.Y. 24/7/365

What’s wrong with D.I.Y. Caregiving?

Many caregivers start off in crisis mode, believing they can handle it all, or the emergency will pass, or thinking “no one can help me.” The trouble with this method of caregiving is that it’s unsustainable. Sooner or later, your own health and wellbeing will suffer. People who try to do everything imperil themselves. Globally, one-third of caregivers are likely to die of a stress-related illness, such as Diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease before the people they care for, and many more will suffer from pushing themselves without a break.

Something’s gotta give. And it’s probably you. Don’t start off that way. If you cannot put  yourself first, ask yourself who will care for my loved one if I’m not here?